Recovery Swimming

World Ocean Day

Before I even came into recovery I had a feeling. An inkling that I was different out there. Something I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

The Ocean kick started my recovery. It peeled back layers of me that I never knew even existed.Before I even came into recovery I had a feeling. An inkling that I was different out there. Something I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I felt like I needed it though. Somewhere maybe to escape the demons. To wash away my sins to be cleansed of my affliction and somewhere beyond the crowds to make the pain go away. To silence my head. I was dark and depressed and out there it seemed to soften the blow. Open Water Swimming opened my eyes to a world beyond the confines of land. Beyond the restrictions of boundaries, borders, economic restraints and social restrictions. It opened up a world to me of infinite possibilities, an ever changing landscape where anything can go. It helped me to adapt, to be flexible. It taught me respect, gave me confidence and i’ve experienced highs that no amount of drinking or drugging ever reached.Most days it hands me out a whipping though. It beats me up. Rolls me around. It’s the boss and not even me can change that and I love it. The healing properties of the ocean. The kinetic energy, A driving force. Tides and time. The ebb and the flow. The powerful currents that circle our planet. Keeping our system moving. Ever changing. It binds us. Powers us. It cleans and brings us life. The planet is 70% blue. As a human I am 60% water. Hell 375million years ago I was even a fish. I rest there and play there. I work. I think, I action, I escape and I reset.The sea offered a staging ground for my head. An area for my feelings to be free. For my mind to occupy a space that allows it to be loose. To roam. To spread its wings.To this day I’m still not sure whether I found it or the Ocean came for me. But what I do know is that it’s kept me sane. It set me free. It saved my life and I owe it big time!Safe swimming folks. Always take your rubbish with you because that just happens to be someone or something’s home out there. Thank you. MH🤗This message is super important for all of us who care about our Oceans so Please Share to your Groups and click to give me a Follow on Insta. TY💕

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