
Social and emotional boundaries can be swam away

I have a close relationship with all of the Team. We share good stuff and bad. I am open and honest about who I was, what I did and where I am now.

80% of the gang are ladies. They are my mums of the open water. They care and we share. I care and they share back.

Its teaching me to be myself, to love myself, as myself.

Having goals and aspirations when you feel down on yourself. When you hate yourself. When it feels the whole word is against you. The self pity. The self-deprecation. Self abuse and Self harm. There is always the bestest of intentions. To break the cycle. To start today. Lets begin on Monday. No just one more.

Eat sleep repeat with it.

For me it’s been the lot. Drink, drugs. Bingeing or starving myself. Exercise or being a sloth. Anything to keep control. To keep the demons at bay. Really just anything to change the way I feel because I detested myself. Hated my situation.

Open water swimming has given me meaning. Its given me purpose. Its giving me a new lease and a love for life. One that I wished for but one that seemed so very far away. Always just out of reach. .
The people I have come in contact with. The group therapy. The power of a community.

I’m lucky to have found it. Found them. Or did it find me. My calling!

There’s no thing to tell you what u should look like. No one who gives a monkeys. There’s no right or wrong way of doing it. Thin or fat, rich or poor. The Open Water has no dress code and you don’t have to be socially beautiful to join the gang.

It may just have saved my life. Its certainly saved my soul. Its restored me to sanity.

Open Water! Its healing from the inside out. This stuff isn’t just skin deep. Like true self love, it starts from within.
Safe swimming folks. It sorts you right out. MH🤗

Picture of the amazing Nicole. 3 months ago all the bad bits above.. now? Well she knows how she feels. Fellow ice swimmer, the best human being and one of my mums. I love her to bits. So a massive Happy Mothers Day this weekend to all my open water mums out there. I may not sea you all but you know who u are. Stay safe and thanks for looking out for me..💜